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Maya Gouby inspires film music composers

20 mei 2009
For the first time, the competition for film music composers at the Ghent Film Festival is open for young musical talent from all over Europe. This year competitors are asked to compose a soundtrack for 'Food', an animation short by Maya Gouby.
At the World Soundtrack Awards on October 17th, the Brussels Philharmonic will perform a music piece that still has to be written. It will be the work of a young European composer who will have succeeded best in composing a soundtrack for Food, the story of an old lady that generously feeds the ducks in the park but whose intentions are less noble than they appear. In 2004, Maya Gouby graduated with this film at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) in Ghent. That same year, it was selected for the Ace Competition for Best Student Short Film at the Ghent Film Festival. Maya was very surprised to hear that Food was selected for this composers competition: 'I am very curious about the result, obviously. I suppose they chose my film because there is only music in it towards the end.' Food has one well in festivals around the world and won an award at Anima, the Brussels international animation festival. Maya GoubyFollowing her education in Ghent, Gouby enrolled in a number of 3D courses. After that, she worked on the kids' series Musti for two years. 'Right now I am working as a 2D animator but I hope to be working in 3D soon, I like it a lot more because you get to see the result much faster. I really like to draw, but 2D animation is not my cup of tea.' Food Candidates (younger than 36 years) for the composers competition can register up to June 30th. More information: