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Annecy selects seven from Flanders

25 mei 2007
Seven Flemish productions are selected for the International Animated Film Festival in Annecy (11th-16th June 2007). Four of them will be shown in the Official Competition for Animated Shorts, two others will take part in the Official Competition for Graduation Films and finally one will be presented in the International Panorama.
This year, the Festival puts the spotlight on the Benelux as the vibrant heart of the animated film industry in Europe. Within this context, a Flemish animated film programme is scheduled that emphasizes the dynamics that are typical of today's local animated film makers. The total of seven selected films in the official competition is unseen in previous years. The four films from Flanders selected in the Official Competition for Short Animated Films are: Dji vou veu volti (BenoƮt Feroumont), Bully Beef (Wendy Morris), Absence (Isabel Bouttens) and With My Quantum Stroke (Pieter Vanluffelen). The two selected titles in the Official Competition for Graduation Films are Administrators (Roman Klochkov) and Death's Job (Johan Pollefoort). Bruised by Sandy Claes has been picked up by the International Panorama program. Both Bruised and With My Quantum Stroke are part of Animated Poetry, a project in which 15 young animation artists give their highly personal interpretation of a poem in a short. The entire Benelux programme, which will include a substantial amount of Flemish titles will be announced later.For more information: