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Georganiseerd door het VAF
4 juni 2024 10:30 tot 14:30
Irish college, Janseniusstraat 1, 3000 Leuven

Als partner van TorinoFilmLab | SeriesLab, een Europese scriptworkshop voor TV-series, nodigt het VAF scenaristen graag uit voor deze Masterclass over personages en conflicten in tv-series.

Programma (Engels gesproken)

10:30 - 11:30

Infosessie over TorinoFilmLab door Head of Studies Eszter Angyalosy + Q&A

11:30 - 13:00

TFL SeriesLab Masterclass door Filip Kasperaszek

13:30 - 14:30Netwerkdrink

TFL SeriesLab Masterclass by Filip Kasperaszek

Characters & conflicts in series

Characters and the conflict in a story are inseparable. One depends on and is connected to the other. Both are also key fundaments of every TV series engine.
How is designing characters and conflict for series different from the film? How can we make our characters engaging enough for many hours? How to make sure our conflicts are not repetitive? How to be sure that there’s enough fuel in our idea to keep going?

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