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Research & Reports

VAF collects data on the audiovisual and games industry to optimize policies and to strengthen the industry. It carefully analyzes this information and reports on interesting conclusions. The following reports have been translated to English to enforce collaboration in Europe.

The Flemish games industry

VAF conducted a comprehensive data collection exercise focused on video games. We surveyed 49 gaming studios on a range of operational aspects and received statistics on turnover, diversity and the state of their video games in 2023.

Released in April 2024

The use of Artificial Intelligence in the audiovisual and games industry (coming soon)

We are currently finishing our analysis on 1000 surveys we received on the use of AI in the audiovisual and games industry. We expect to release a report by the end of 2024.

More information?

If you have any questions or feedback on our data analysis, do not hesitate to contact us.

Matthew web

Matthew Deboysere

Coördinator Kenniscentrum

Jolien Vanroy

Projectbeheerder Kenniscentrum

Abdel Bouasse

Projectbeheerder Kenniscentrum